Selasa, 25 Januari 2011

KAL HO NA HO {2003}

Naina {Preity Zinta} is a young woman, slightly ticked off for reasons more than one. His father committed suicide when she needed him the most, leaving Jennifer{Jaya bachchan}, his wife all alone. Lajjo{Sushma Seth}, Jennifer's mother-in-law blames Jennifer for the same. furthermore, Jennifer is unhappy because Lajjo refuses to accept Gia, a 6-year old girl whom Jennifer adopted. Even the restaurant Jennifer is running is not going great guns. in short, nothing is well on the Kapur family front. the only factors that redeem Naina's existence are his toiling and tolerant mother Jennifer, and her bumbling stumbling MBA classmate Rohit {Saif Ali Khan}. Meanwhile, Aman{Shah Rukh Khan}, a happy-go-lucky guy arrives in Naina's neighbourhood and soon changes everything around, thanks to his contagious joviality and jest for life. He proves to be the messiah for the Kapur family in every sort. Naina is not a happy camper initially but could remain unaffected by his charisma for long, and falls in love with him. On the contrary, some platonic moments arouse Rohit's fondness for Naina a bit more and he's in love too. But when Naina thinks of confessing her love to Aman, she realises that Aman is a married man. its only later when we find out that Aman lies because he is a heart patient and has a limited life to live. But since Aman loves Naina too, he wants some one's love to embrace Naina after him for which he finds Rohit suitable. Rohit who took no time to move after some pain, is somehow coaxed by Aman to re-think about his relation with Naina. Aman plans a strategic set of efforts and brings Rohit and Naina close. But when Naina finds out the truth, what follows is a complex string of pangs of helpless love. Aman meets his decided fate, but not before changing Naina's life forever.
Plot Synopsis
Naina Catherine Kapur (Preity Zinta) is an angry young woman, for more than one reason. Her father committed suicide when she needed him the most, leaving his wife Jennifer (Jaya Bachchan) to raise their children all alone. The restaurant Jennifer operates is faltering. Furthermore, Naina's paternal grandmother, Lajjo (Sushma Seth), blames Jennifer for the suicide and refuses to accept Gia, a six-year-old girl whom Jennifer adopted, as her granddaughter, blaming her for bringing bad luck to the family. Naina has to put up with the daily fights that take place in the house as a result. The only factors that redeem her life are the toiling and tolerant Jennifer and Naina's bumbling MBA classmate Rohit (Saif Ali Khan)

Aman Mathur (Shahrukh Khan) arrives in Naina's neighbourhood and soon changes everything. Noticing the sadness of his new neighbours, he intervenes. His well-meaning interference in their activities, his revival of their financial condition, and his general optimism soon change their lives for the better. Although Naina is initially reluctant to enjoy Aman's presence as others do and is irritated by his extroverted, overly-enthusiastic attitude, she grows to like him and eventually to love him.

Meanwhile, her friend Rohit has fallen in love with her. On Aman's encouragement, he calls Naina for lunch but before he can propose to her, she reveals her love for Aman. Rohit informs Aman about this and leaves shortly for his parents' home. Naina goes to Aman's house where, to stop her from confessing her feelings to him, Aman tells her that he is married to a woman named Priya.

Aman, it is revealed, is dying of a severe condition that is progressively weakening his heart. Knowing that his lifespan is limited, he goes through life facilitating friendships and courtship, and urging people to enjoy themselves in the present moment since "tomorrow might never come". His excursions into such altruism eventually lead him to sacrifice his love for Naina and instead playing matchmaker between her and Rohit. After a few weeks of courtship, Naina starts to like Rohit as more than just a friend and accepts his proposal of marriage.

The tension within Naina's family also stops when Aman, after intercepting a personal letter addressed to Jennifer, reveals that Gia is Naina's half-sister through their father's extramarital affair. Lajjo finally accepts Gia, and the now-united family wholeheartedly prepare for Rohit and Naina's wedding.

As the film progresses, Aman's health deteriorates. One episode of intense excitement nearly kills him. Naina, in a chance encounter, meets Priya, Aman's supposed wife who is actually his doctor. She then realises that Aman had lied about his being married to hide his true condition, and possibly, the fact that he may love her in return. She goes to see Aman, and although he defiantly refuses to admit his true feelings, she finally understands that he loves her as well. Aman convinces her to get married to Rohit anyway, because he will not be alive for much longer. Shortly after Rohit and Naina marry, Aman eventually dies of his weakness, with Rohit and Naina by his side.

- Sinjan

INDONESIAN subtitle:
Kesuksesan luar biasa "Kal Ho Naa Ho" sebenarnya tidak bisa dilepaskan dari tangan dingin Karan Johar walau kali ini bukan sebagai sutradara seperti sebelumnya, melainkan hanya bertindak sebagai produser dan penulis skenario. Namun Karan Johar mempercayakan posisi sutradara pada Nikhil Advani yang jelas bukan orang lain karena ia adalah asisten sutardara yang biasa mendampingi Karan dalam semua filmnya seperti "Kuch Kuch Hota Hai" ataupun "Mohabbatein".

Tidak heran jika pun terasa sekali pengaruh Karan dalam warna film berjenis melodrama ini. Belum lagi kasting untuk film tersebut yang jelas bukan kelas kacangan. Selain Shahrukh Khan, didapuk pula aktris jelita yang kemampuan aktingnya jelas mumpuni, Preity Zinta dan juga aktor Saif Ali Khan yang telah lama berkecimpung di Bollywood. Nah, kisahnya sendiri adalah kisah tentang 3 sahabat yang berdasarkan cinta yang tidak bersyarat dan empati emosional satu sama lain diantara mereka bertiga.

Berlatar di Manhattan, New York pada masa kini, kehidupan terasa menekan bagi seorang gadis cantik keturunan India, Naina Catherine Kapur (Preity Zinta). Naina merasa tertekan lantaran sebuah tragedi dalam keluarganya yang separuh Punjabi dan separuh Katolik, mengguncang hidupnya dan membawa pergi kebahagiaannya. Di rumah dari hari ke hari terjadi pertengkaran antara anggota keluarga, kerepotan Naina dalam menjaga adik lelaki dan perempuannya serta harus membantu ibunya, Jennifer (Jaya Bachchan) untuk mengatasi masalah finansial rumah tangga mereka.

Belum lagi kerepotan Naina menghadapi neneknya yang bersifat pemarah.
Tidak heran jika Naina tidak punya waktu untuk dirinya sendiri. Jangankan bersenang-senang dengan teman sebayanya, Naina pun seperti tidak punya waktu bersikap ramah pada orang lain. Pokoknya kehidupan itu suram bagi gadis cantik yang baru berusia 23 tahun tersebut. Namun terjadi perubahan dalam hidup Naina ketika seorang pria bernama Aman Mathur (Shahrukh Khan) datang ke wilayah tempat tinggal Naina yang didominasi keturunan India.

Berlawanan dengan sifat Naina yang introvert, Aman adlah orang ekstrovert yang periang dan supel. Aman selalu berusaha bersahabat dengan siapapun dan selalu berhasil memenangkan hati orang-orang di sekelilingnya dengan kegembiraan dan ketulusannya. Begitu melihat kesedihan dan kemuraman dalam Naina, Aman pun bertekad membawa kegembiraan dalam hidup gadis tersebut. Dalam usaha mendatangkan kegembiraan pada Naina, Aman mendapat bantuan dari sahabat baiknya, Rohit (Saif Ali Khan), seorang bujangan tampan yang disukai banyak gadis.

Walau harus bersusah payah, Aman dan Rohit akhirnya berhasil membuat Naina tersenyum kembali dan mulai merasakan kebahagiaan pertamakalinya sejak bertahun-tahun lalu. Naina mulai sadar bahwa masih ada kebahagiaan yang bisa diraih walau di tengah-tengah masalah keluarganya. Tidak heran jika kemudian Naina, Aman dan Rohit pun menjadi tiga sekawan yang saling menyayangi dan saling memperhatikan. Namun lama-kelamaan Naina merasakan cinta pada Aman, namun Aman ternyata tidak peduli, malah berusaha menjodoh-jodohkan Naina dengan Rohit yang memang telah jatuh cinta pada gadis tersebut. Aman sebenarnya mencintai Naina, namun punya rahasia yang membuatnya sadar bahwa ia tidak bisa bersatu dengan gadis itu.

Rahasia apa yang membuat Aman merasa tidak bisa bersatu dengan Naina ? Haruskah Naina merasakan kesedihan sekali lagi padahal belum lama memperoleh kebahagiaan ?

Pretty Women.mp3 DOWNLOAD here!!!

Maahi Ve.mp3 DOWNLOAD here!!!

Kal Ho Na Ho.mp3 DOWNLOAD here!!!

Kal Ho Na Ho {sad}.mp3 DOWNLOAD here!!!

Kuch To Hua Hai.mp3 DOWNLOAD here!!!

Heart Beat.mp3 DOWNLOAD here!!!

Its Time To Disco.mp3 DOWNLOAD here!!!


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