Kamis, 10 Maret 2011

DIL {1990}

Hazari Prasad (Anupam Kher) a scrap merchant and a miser of the highest order, posed as an industrialist to befriend Mr. Mehra (Saeed Jaffrey), a multi millionaire. His aim is to get his son Raja (Aamir Khan) married to the only daughter Madhu (Madhuri Dixit) of Mr. Mehra. And he succeeded. Raja and Madhu, students of the same college, hated each at the onset. They were victims of each other's practical jokes. When the engagement was being announced, Mr. Mehra learnt of Hazari Prasad's true state of affairs, he called off the engagement, and insulted Hazari Prasad in front of all the guests. Now that the parents were at logger heads, their children were slowly falling in love with each other. Will Raja be able to win over Madhu? Will Hazari Prasad, forget his insult and allow Raja to marry Madhu?

Hazari Prasad (Anupam Kher) seorang pedagang memo dan kikir dari urutan tertinggi, menyamar sebagai industrialis untuk berteman dengan Mr Mehra (Saeed Jaffrey), multi jutawan. Tujuannya adalah untuk mendapatkan anaknya Raja (Aamir Khan) menikah dengan putri saja Madhu (Madhuri Dixit) Mr Mehra. Dan dia berhasil. Raja dan Madhu, mahasiswa sama, saling membenci di awal. Mereka adalah korban lelucon praktis masing-masing. Ketika pertunangan diumumkan, Mr Mehra belajar dari negara Prasad Hazari aktual urusan, dia membatalkan pertunangan, dan menghina Hazari Prasad di depan semua tamu. Sekarang orang tua berada di kepala logger, anak-anak mereka perlahan-lahan jatuh cinta dengan satu sama lain. Raja akan dapat menang atas Madhu? Akan Hazari Prasad, melupakan penghinaan dan memungkinkan Raja untuk menikah Madhu?

Dam Dama Dam.mp3 DOWNLOAD here!!!

Hum Ne Ghar Chora Hai.mp3 DOWNLOAD here!!!

Hum Pyaar Kerne Wale.mp3 DOWNLOAD here!!!

Kaimbe Jaishe Khari Hai.mp3 DOWNLOAD here!!!

Mujhe Neend Na Aaye.mp3 DOWNLOAD here!!!

O Priyaa Priyaa.mp3 DOWNLOAD here!!!

Saansein Teri {sad}.mp3 DOWNLOAD here!!!

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