Rabu, 10 Agustus 2011


Arun Prajapati has been trying to be a successful TV anchor but success has always eluded him. He only blames God for this. Arun is head over heels in love with Alia, who is a TV anchor and a well-known star working in the same channel but he has never been able to express his love for her. Destiny plays a cruel game with him when Rocky is appointed as an anchor for the channel. Arun starts believing that Rocky will win over Alia. Circumstances go out of hand for Arun and he gets thrown out of the channel. He has nobody to blame but God Himself. And very soon he has an encounter with the Almighty. An argument ensues between the two. God then decides to give Arun the power to run earth for seven days as Arun claims that he can do a better job. After Arun becomes God, he becomes successful. He puts Rocky into an uneasy spot and wins Alia's heart. Also, he grants everybody's wish. But much to his dismay this becomes the biggest problem of his life.

Plot Summary:

At the end of the worst day in his life, Arun Prajapati (Salman Khan) angrily rages against God for making his life miserable. To his astonishment, God (Amitabh Bachchan) appears before him in human form and endowing Arun with all of his divine powers, challenges Arun to take on the big job and see if he can do it any better.

Arun responds to his newfound powers with childlike zeal and sets off making one hysterical yet disastrous decision one after another. The love of his life Alia (Priyanka Chopra) is astonished at the 'new' decisive and confident Arun. He thinks he can make the world a happy place by granting everybody their wishes. But to his horror, this results in unprecedented mayhem. Ultimately, Arun realises that he is only human, and being God is tougher than he thought!

Kisah tayangan drama India kali ini bercerita mengenai Arun Prajapati yang berusaha menjadi orang sukses di pertelevisian tapi dirinya selalu saja gagal. Hal itulah yang akhirnya membuat dia menyalahkan Tuhan.
Pada suatu ketika Arun jatuh cinta pada Alia, seorang bintang TV yang bekerja di stasiun TV yang sama tapi sayangnya ia tak pernah mengungkapkannya. Hingga pada suatu hari ternyata Rocky yang terpilih menjadi orang pertama di stasiun TV ini. Arun pun mulai berpendapat bahwa Rocky akan mendapatkan Alia.
Akhirnya Arun pun memilih untuk keluar dari stasiun TV ini. Dan lagi-lagi ia menyalahkan Tuhan.
Tak lama kemudian ia bertemu Tuhan. Keduanya terlibat adu argumen. Tuhan akhirnya memberikan kekuatan pada Arun untuk mengurus dunia selama 7 hari. Setelah jadi Tuhan, dia sukses. Dia membuat Rocky sulit mendapatkan cinta Alia. Dan dia juga mengabulkan doa semua orang. Tapi kecemasan menjadi masalah paling berat baginya.
Bagaimana kisah selengkapnya? Saksikan God Tussi Great Ho bersama bintang Salman Khan, Amitabh Bachchan dan Priyanka Chopra

Let's Party Download HERE!!!

Tujhe Aksa Beach Ghuma Doon Download HERE!!!

God Tussi Great Ho Download HERE!!!

Tumko Dekha Download HERE!!!

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Tujhe Aksa Beach Ghuma Doon - Remix Download HERE!!!

Let's Party - Remix Download HERE!!!

God Tussi Great Ho - Remix Download HERE!!!

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